The 6th project meeting

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The 6th project meeting
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The 6th (Final) project meeting of InnORBIT was organised and hosted by Corallia, in Maribor, Slovenia on Thursday 18th of May 2023. The organisation of the meeting was supported by the Project Coordinator (QPL). The physical part of the meeting was organised in City Hotel Maribor, while an online session was hosted in parallel using the Microsoft Teams teleconferencing tool. The core aims of the meeting were to:

  • Discuss and assess the progress of InnORBIT, during the course of the previous semesters of project implementation with focus on recent activities.
  • Reach a common understanding with respect to the role of each partner, their responsibilities and expected contribution to the various tasks of the work plan.
  • Carefully plan and stimulate the work to be carried out during the final months of the project with a view to timely and successfully completing all the work foreseen in its framework.
  • Clarify issues related to the Final Reporting and Final Review process and align on the next steps to ensure the smooth conclusion of the project.

Along these lines, during the meeting, Apostolos Tsolakis, the Project Coordinator (QPL) kicked-off the meeting with a brief welcome, followed by the presentation of InnORBIT’s current status and a brief overview of activities performed and achievements, as well as the current pathway towards achieving the project’s impact. Moreover, important issues related to the final activity and financial reporting process of the project were reminded to the project partners. Finally, the recommendations received during the 2nd Interim Review report / meeting were discussed with the partners.

During the sessions which followed, Work Package Leaders and Task Leaders presented and discussed in more detail with project partners the context and progress on related activities as well as of their respective tasks and planned forthcoming actions. Finally, following each presentation, the Action List for the remaining months of the project was discussed among consortium members to outline the work schedule during that period.