Croatian Space Cafe

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Croatian Space Cafe
Algebra University College / Algebra LAB
Awareness Raising

Are you fascinated by space? Do you follow satellites that roam the earth? Wondering what we’ve all achieved since our first landing on the moon?

Did you know that the integration of space and terrestrial systems, better known as precision agriculture, has proven to be very effective in promoting efficient and sustainable agriculture; one that increases productivity while reducing costs, waste and environmental impact?

Did you know that satellite communications are a safe way to collect a wide variety of data, from monitoring soil moisture to predicting weather conditions that may affect the way we produce food? And to use satellites to calculate the optimal tractor routes, and even to monitor the movement of livestock through virtual fences!

Satellites are changing and - banking! FinTech, a blend of financial services and new technologies, brings banking closer to everyone, regardless of location.

The same goes for online gaming, live stream or any activity we use online. 5G technology is crucial for us here, because it enables super-fast video streaming that almost erases the boundaries between different levels of reality.

The possibilities that satellites and space exploration open up for us in the field of the Internet of Things are also fantastic. Did you know that by 2025, nearly 30 billion devices in homes and workplaces will be connected to the Internet and equipped with sensors, processors and embedded software? 5G technologies in this case also depend on space exploration to deliver the desired communication services.

Are you interested in climate change? It may sound a bit unbelievable, but of the 50 essential climate variables, as many as 26 can only be tracked from space. These are global ozone depletion, melting glaciers and sea ice, rising sea levels, tropical deforestation….

And finally, how does technology help us make our daily lives truly better? The global population will reach 8.6 billion by 2030, and satellite connectivity will certainly be crucial for connecting and monitoring the processes of public transport, energy supply, waste disposal and many others.

Read in Croatian here!


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